World Oceans Day: Protect 30% by 2030


It’s World Oceans Day, and people around the planet are celebrating and honouring our ocean, which connects us all. At Myriad, we’re joining the call on world leaders to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and ocean by 2030.

From climate change to ocean acidification, overfishing and pollution, our oceans are under threat like never before. Leading scientific research states that we need half of the planet in its natural state to prevent the extinction of one million species, maintain the global temperature increase below 1.5°C, and safeguard all people that rely on nature for survival.

At present, only 15% of land and 7% of our ocean are protected (Campaign for Nature)

At present, only 15% of land and 7% of our ocean are protected (Campaign for Nature)

The ‘Half-Earth’ Proposal

According to the esteemed biologist Edward Wilson, 50% of the world should be dedicated to nature if humanity wants to save our biosphere. Wilson asserts that this level of protection would ensure that more than 80% of species populations become stabilised, thereby saving full representation of the world’s ecosystems.

30x30 for Nature

This year, we have an opportunity to get governments worldwide to agree to protect at least 30% of the planet's land and ocean by 2030, and preserve intact ecosystems and wilderness at the Convention on Biodiversity COP15 Summit.

What 30% of Ocean Protection would look like (30x30: A Blueprint for Ocean Protection)

What 30% of Ocean Protection would look like (30x30: A Blueprint for Ocean Protection)

Protecting 30% by 2030 is just the start. But we need to make it happen first.

Join the call for 30x30 by signing the petition below.

Dominic Hughes